Friday, November 27, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I am so excited to finally go home!!

This sweater dress was made by my Mom's great-grandmother, and was the same dress that my Mom wore from the hospital when she was born, and the blanket I am laying on was made for my Mom by her grandmother. As you can see, I am very happy to have them both.
Our First Family Photo!
I love my new crib!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Look Out World...Here I Come!

I was supposed to come out on November 21st, but that date did not really work with my schedule. That is why on Monday, November 23rd, I started preparing for my grand entrance. This preparation sent my Mom to the Baptist Hospital that night around 9:30pm. We were greeted by Kristin Callahan, one of my Mom's oldest friends, who was also her nurse for the delivery.

On November 24, 2009 at 11:23am, after around 14 hours of labor, I was ready to say hello to the world!! I was born weighing 7lbs and 15oz and I was 20" long.

Looking up at my Abue.

Me and my Mom

My Daddy is so proud!

The labor team!!