Monday, January 31, 2011

12-14 months

Here are some pictures from my life from November thru January...
November 24 - Bath time fun!
November 26 - What happened??

I love talking on the phone with my Great Grandparents in Minneapolis. If only they could just understand what I was saying!Grandpa and all his girls. (I know I am the favorite)
Playing with Abue and my princesses.
November 27 - This place is such a mess! I have to clean up around here!

December 6 - Don't bother me...I need my beauty sleep.
Here you go Layla, have a piece of my bread.
December 11 - Happy baby!
On December 11, my Mommy and Daddy took me to Outback Steakhouse for the first time.
It was YUMMY!!!

Come on Mommy, let's take a walk...
Off I go!
December 15 - I love my pumpkin hat! Thank you Tia Nicole!
On December 18 my Mommy and Nikki took me to have dinner at Lily and Bruce's house. Lily made me some delicious beans and rice! I can't wait to go back!
She also let me eat a pepper...
December 26 - Enjoying my drum that Tio Jon and Tia Nastasha gave me. It lights up and sings in English and Spanish!
January 1 - Out for my first walk of the new year in our new neighborhood!
January 2 - Running along the sidewalk
January 15 - I just love going for walks with my Mommy and Daddy!
January 16 - Trying on Mommy's heels.
January 24 - I got my bags packed and I am ready to go! (Thanks Liza for the great bag!)

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